Mr. Prajwal Hooli
Assistant Professor, Department of Arts and Humanities
Mr. Prajwal Hooli
Assistant Professor, Department of Arts and Humanities
Mr. Prajwal Hooli
Assistant Professor
Mr. Prajwal Hooli is an experienced media professional with a rich background in some of India’s leading media organizations. Having graduated in Media Studies from REVA University, he brings a deep passion for storytelling and expertise in social media. His academic and research interests are rooted in Mediated Communication, Development Communication, and Film Studies. Mr. Prajwal’s dedication extends beyond the classroom, with active involvement in social development initiatives through his associations with organizations like Daan Utsav, SEVA International, and BIFFES. He emphasizes the importance of Media Literacy and Mediated Communication in the digital era. He adopts innovative teaching methods to create a conducive learning environment, promoting a “Joy of Learning” for students.
Political Communication, Development Communication, and Film Studies
MA in Media Studies
2 Years
Case Studies
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