Dr K Rajesh Kumar
Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies
Dr K Rajesh Kumar
Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies
Dr K Rajesh Kumar
Associate Professor of Marketing Management
Dr. K.Rajesh Kumar earned an MBA from Sri Krishnadevaraya University in Anantapur (AP) in 1993 and a Ph.D. from the same university in 2003. He has spent the previous 30 years working at several business schools in south India, as well as serving on the Board of Examiners at VTU University in Belgaum. He served as a Resource Person for Karnataka Higher Education’s Faculty Development Programme and has also led seminars and training programs on soft skills for faculty members and students at several educational establishments in Bangalore. He presently works in the Department of Management Studies at Christ Academy Institute for Advanced Studies in Bengalure-83. His interests include marketing management, consumer behavior, rural marketing, and entrepreneurial development. He has published multiple research articles in both national and international journals, participated at various national conferences. Invited to serve on the Doctoral Committee at SRM University in Chennai, and appointed Chairman of the Adjudication Committee for conducting the PhD open Viva-Voce at Dravidian University in Kuppam (AP). Currently, he is acting as Co-Guide for two PhD students at VTU University, and two scholars have received PhDs in the Management stream under his supervision.
Marketing Management, Rural Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Entrepreneurship Development, Soft Skills
30 years
- An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Gold Rate in India- International Journal of Finance (IJFIN)-June 2024, ISSN: 1041-2743Vol 37, Issue 3, pp-22-36
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Equity – An Analytical Study Focusing on Indian Businesses in Journal of Informatics Education and Research (ABDC)-C Category- January, 2024, ISSN: 1526-4726 Vol 4 Issue 1 (2024)- DOI: https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v4i1.538
- Analyzing the Retail Supply Chain Attributes for Improving Product Availability to Satisfy Customer Needs & Reducing Expenses- Samdarshi (UGC Care list),Vol 16 Issue 4 (September 2023) ISSN: 2581-3986- http://punjabiacademydelhi.com/publication/
- A Study On Perceptions Of Retailers On Various Mobile Brands-Published in Juni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632 (UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-13, Issue-6, No.06, June : 2023 http://junikhyatjournal.in/
- Competitive Strategies of Selected Mobile Phone Brands – Retailers’ Perspective- Review of Research Journal, ISSN: 2249-894X Impact Factor: 5.7631(UIF), May,2019
- A Study on Brand Awareness of Mobile Phones – with Reference to Specific Brands in Bangalore City, Karnataka, India-The International Journal of Business & Management (ISSN 2321–8916)- Vol 4 Issue 12, December, 2016
- “Rural Credits: Rationing Constraints and Subsistence Influence on Rural Indians”- ABHIJNAN Journal of Management Research, March 2015, ISSN: 2348-6082
- “Buying Behaviour of Financial Credits and its Impact on Jaggery Productivity in Rural Karnataka”- International Journal of Management & Behavioural Sciences (IJMBS),June 2015-ISSN 2278-5671
- Rural Consumers Access to Credit and Role of Banks Marketing in Rural Karnataka”- IOSR-Journal of Business Management (IOSR-JBM), May 2015, E-ISSN: 2278-487X
- Artisan Turned into Entrepreneurs-Case Study of Kolhapur Chappals in National Journal”: TATWA-A Journal of Management Scholars,2014, ISSN 0973-0974
- Consumer Durable Industry in India – A Bird’s Eye View”-Article Published in Asian Journal of Management: Oct-Dec. 2010, A&V Publication ISSN-0976-495X
- Recent Trends and Developments in Apparel Marketing in India” article published in International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management (ijrcm) Volume N0.1 (2010), Issue No.8(Decembner,2010), ISSN 0976-2183
- A Study on Customer Satisfaction and Brand Choice of DTH Services-With reference to Bangalore City” Published in Journal of Business Management (JBM) Dated: July- December 2010, Serial Publications, New Delhi
- Going Rural: The New Marketing Mantra -www.indianmba.com
- Career in Advertising”-Published in Employment News Dated: 16-22 May,2009
- Market Research and Career”-Published in Employment News Dated: 27 March-2 April,2010
- MGNREGA Watershed Programmes in Rayalaseema with reference to Kurnool District-Conference proceeding-Kurnool The Rising Tide ISBN 789388808811, Paramount Publishers, June, 2020
Academic Conferences and Seminars
- Organized National Seminar Conference (Online)-AVISKAR,2020 On “ Creating Sustainable Organization’s Through Functional Strategies”-24th June, 2020, Christ Academy Institute for Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
- Attrition-critical factor and strategic Recommendation”-National seminar organized by Karpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore
- Opportunities and Challenges in Retail Industry-National seminar organized by KS Rangasamy college of Technology, Tiruchegodu
- International seminar on” Convergence of sciences, Engineering & Management in Education and Research-A Global Perspective from 26th-27th September,2013, Organized by Dayananda Sagar Institutions, Bangalore
- Attended National Webinar on “National Education Policy (NEP-2020)” on 28th January,2021, Organized by CMI Devamatha Province, Thrissur, Kerala
- National Conference on “WTO, India & Emerging Areas of Trade” 21-22 April 2006 IIM, Kozhikode (Kerala).
- National Conference on “Creating Enduring Indian Corporations: Challenges and Models” (FMCG-Seeing Greener Pasture) Published by Allied Publisher, ISBN No.81- 7764-757-1 Hyderabad (AP).
- National Conference on “Women Entrepreneurship published by Allied Publishers, ISBN No.81-8424-202-6, Hyderabad
- National Seminar on “The Impact of FDI on Host Country” 11-12, March 2006 Andhra Pradesh Economic Associations, Vijayawada (AP)
- “Impact of Recession on Banking Industry”-UGC sponsored National seminar- Organized by Abbas Khan college of for women, Bangalore
- “Emerging Trends in Contemporary Management Research”2010-Organized by Anna University, Coimbatore
Research & Book Publication
- Recognized Research Supervisor Under VTU University, Belgaum (Karnataka)
- Mr Sanjeev got awarded PhD in Management under my guidance-July,2017
- Mrs Sandhya got awarded PhD in Management under my guidance (VTU university) in June,2020
- Book Publication – Fundamentals of Tourism Management By KAAV Publishers, New Delhi-June,2023
- Book Publication- Human Capital Management By White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (September 2024)
FDP/ MDP/Workshops
- Attended 14 Weeks FDP Conducted by Wadhwani Entrepreneur Network (WEN), Wadhwani Foundation form 27thAugust, 2024 – 10th October, 2024
- NEN Entrepreneurship Educator Program-from 23-25 June 2016, Organised by Wadhwani Foundation-National Entrepreneurship Network at St Joseph College of commerce, Bangalore.
- MDP Program on “Nurturing B-School Practices for Excellence” Conducted on 24th & 25th January 201, organised by PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Attended 9th Indian Management Conclave (IMC), Hosted by IIM Bangalore in association with MBAUniverse.com, on August 03 and 04, 2018, to deliberate on the theme of ‘MBA Pedagogy for 21st Century B-Schools’.
- Participated in the Workshop “Take a Seat-Marketing” Conducted Drishti annual Business and cultural summit organized by PGPEM, at IIM Bangalore on 09-11-2024
- Attended Five days’ workshop on “The Art of Research Writing: Tools and Techniques” from 8th January to 13th January, 2021, Organized by Christ Academy Institute for Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
Academic Achievements
- Appointed as Examiner & Conducted PhD comprehensive viva for SRM Institute of Science and Technology Scholar, Chennai on 25-11-2024
- Appointed as Chairman to conduct PhD Viva-Voce, Dravidian University, Kuppam (AP) on 16-07-2021
- Attended Online (Google Meet) PhD Doctoral Committee on 11/02/2021 at SRM Ramapuram Campus, Chennai
- Appointed as Chairman PhD Viva-Voce, Dravidian University-Conducted PhD Viva- voce on 13-3-2020
- Appointed as a Examiner for adjudication of the PhD Thesis -Dravidian University
- Appointed as Member of Board of Examiners (BOE) for the year 2014-2015
- Appointed as a VTU University Question Paper setter
Resource Person
- Invited for Guest lecture on “ Youth Entrepreneurship” on 22-07-2022 at St Claret College, Bangalore
- Invited as Resource to Webinar on “Accelerators &Incubators-Opportunities to students & Faculty” on 30-07-2021 at Sairam Engineering college, Bangalore
- Invited Guest Lecture at Theivanai Ammal College for Women (Autonomous), Villupuram (TN) on 10/02/2021
- Invited as a Resource Person for “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” on 14/10/2019 @ AMC Engineering College, Bangalore
- Invited as a Resource Person for “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” on 04/10/2018 @ Garden City University, Bangalore
- Delivered talk on “Interpersonal Skills at Work Place”-FDP On 27/10/2017, AMC Engineering college, Bangalore
- Delivered talk on “Awareness of Entrepreneurship Education in India”- Faculty Development Programme 22/07/2016, AMC Engineering college, Bangalore
- Invited as Guest Lecture on “Soft skills” 18th November,2014 at Osmania college, Kurnool (AP)
- Invited as a Resource Person for FDP “Orientation Programme for newly recruited Teachers in Engineering colleges, Bangalore, which is Organized by “Karnataka State Higher Education Council” On 21st,22nd and 23rd of 2012 again conducted on 21st ,22nd, 23rd May 2012
- Invited Guest Lecture at “Rayalaseema University” Kurnool (AP)
- Invited Guest Lecture at “East West Engineering College” Bangalore