Ms.Trishala M

Assistant Professor, Department of Science

Ms.Trishala M

Assistant Professor, Department of Science


Ms.Trishala M

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Ms. Trishala M. is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Christ Academy Institute for Advanced Studies with 3.5 years of experience in teaching and mentoring. She has a strong passion for statistics and research in Psychology, constantly seeking opportunities to dig into new ideas and expand her understanding of human behavior. Trishala is deeply committed to contributing to the field of psychology through meaningful research and inspiring her students to embrace curiosity and critical thinking. Her dedication to learning and growth defines both her teaching and professional journey.


Clinical Psychology, Research Methodology, Social Psychology


Msc Psychology


6 Years


Sit procinctu te vel Iusturn Successus Arcu elit confinia sapiens sed delectus se eget uidem id reiponde comprobatione.


Sit procinctu te vel Iusturn Successus Arcu elit confinia sapiens sed delectus se eget uidem id reiponde comprobatione.


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