Centre for Indian Knowledge System

Vision and Mission:

Introducing Indian knowledge system to the modern world. Proposing that the knowledge of ancient India is suitable for adoption even today. The study of ancient India has shown us how rich our knowledge of India has become. To build a suitable platform for the new generation and help in their development.

Objectives and Outcomes:

Preserving the Indian knowledge system. To select topics those are not yet researched and encourage their research. Encouraging research on many important subjects of Indian knowledge such as medicine, economics, martial arts, astronomy, mathematics etc. In this way the recognition of Indian knowledge at the global level.

Centre Members


Dr. Raghavendra


Dr. Savitha Ravishankar


Dr. Josephine Sathya


Dr. Ruchi Kumari Sharma



Sit procinctu te vel Iusturn Successus Arcu elit confinia sapiens sed delectus se eget uidem id reiponde comprobatione.


Sit procinctu te vel Iusturn Successus Arcu elit confinia sapiens sed delectus se eget uidem id reiponde comprobatione.


Everything that I learned at CAIAS University really helped put me above the competition in the field of business management.

Alyssa Watson
BA Business Management